
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Best 1473 Days of my Life

Days since I met him: 1473
Days since we started going out: 1102
Days since I first kissed him: 1120
Days since I last kissed him: less than 1
Days since he first told me he loved me: 1117
Days since he told me he loved me: less than 1
Days since we got married: 920
Days since the first time he woke up next to me: 919
Days since I hugged him: less than 1
Days since we had a conversation: less than 1
Days since I’ve heard his voice: less than 1 minute

How did you meet?

It involves a million tiny precious details, but it all came down to my dad knowing him, us ending up on the same mission trip and dad introducing us in an airport, on our way to India New Years day 2006.

How often do you get to see each other?

Everyday…. If he's lucky =)

What is your favorite memory with him?

Watching him preach for the first time in India just days after we had met is definitely at the top of the list… Him performing the ceremony at my Dad's wedding… Back Porch Fellowship’s in Texas… The day he told me he can't imagine spending the rest of his life without me... Our wedding Day… Our 2nd Anniversary mini-vacation to St. Louis this past year… Our cruise…

What is your favorite thing about him?

He has passion with a purpose. He listens to God. He lives to love. Not a day goes by that he doesn't make me smile… if not laugh. His balance of humility, strength and submissiveness. He loves music and worshipping God through music. He's the kind of person that people respect the second they meet him… he doesn't have to earn it or demand it… He walks with a silent authority. I could go on and on…

Describe him in three words:

Solid. Passionate. Humble.

(if you read this... tag, you're it.)


Jamie said...

You two are an inspiration. xo