
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Controlled Chaos.... and cake

Cake is not on my diet, but if it was, this is the one I would want to eat.

A lot is going on in our lives right now. Besides the normal business, a dear friend and co-worker lost her 20 year old son, Jamie, in Afghanistan last week. The visitation is tonight and the funeral is tomorrow. Everything is taking place at the church where me and Seth work, so we've been a bit busy with helping with preparations. We are so proud of Jamie and the amazing sacrifice he made so that we can live in a country that is free. We feel beyond blessed to live in a country that is so bravely protected by so many heroes such as himself. Please pray for this precious family as they walk through such a difficult season.

I am currently switching all of my file over to my new...drum roll please.... my new mac!

After this week and all of it's events are over and I have all of my files moved and organized I plan to jump back on the blogging train. I apologize for the lack of posts lately. It has nothing to do with my lack of inspiration or not wanting to inspire others. We've just been very "caught up" with life, which isn't a bad thing at all, just a season of chaos that we have had little control over. Sometimes "too busy" just happens, whether we want it to or not. Being busy does no good to anyone or anything if you are not being productive. Busy is just becoming a way of life to well as most people I know. To be productive in the busy times you have to rest and stop and smell the tulips in the "less busy" times. Blogging is one of my ways of stopping to smell the tulips in the less chaotic moments. I am continually inspired, which in return give me enough fuel to make it through the more chaotic seasons of life.

If you're going to be busy, figure out how to have fun while you're busy being busy. Learn to relax. Control your chaos. Find rest. Prioritize priorities. Don't just exist. Make time to make a difference.


That's all for now.

Be back soon.

Thank you for sticking with me.




Jamie said...

I'm feeling very overwhelmed today. Thanks for this! My prayers are with the Lowe family!