
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Public Baltzell Announcement!!!!

I am trying to write this all within a few minutes while it is lunch time, so forgive any errors:

This will be the first time I share this on an open forum!

Let me start off by saying this and by being totally transparent:

1.) I REALLY struggle with being transparent. I really kinda suck at it.

2.) As a result of struggling with being transparent, I REALLY struggle with being vulnerable.

I am very aware of both of these things in my life and I am on a constant journey of opening up and learning to let my walls down. Even saying this is difficult. Which is stupid, because it shouldn't even be that big of a deal.

Because of my silly issues, when big things happen in our life (Me and my husband, Seth) I tend to not talk about them very openly, for fear that the may not come to fruition. What I am about to write about has CONSUMED my thoughts, my prayers, my heart and has shot itself all of the way to the top of me and Seth's priority list. So, what is it you ask?!? Well... deep breath... here we go:

From the time we had our first serious, "how many kids do you want to have?" talk, Seth and I have known that we wanted to adopt a child one day. It was in both of our hearts from the beginning. I think we both just always assumed that it would be after we had our own children. I had done a little research here and there, but never thought in a million years that it would be anytime soon. Without going into the whirlwind of details that have led us to this point, after a lot of prayer and lots of faith, we have decided to begin pursuing the adoption process immediately, and have already begun to do so.

It makes me swell up with joy to say that we are now in the process of adopting a child.

As if the adoption process would not be hard enough, we specifically feel led to adopt an orphan from Haiti. Because of the chaos that has settled over the country of Haiti right now, many details are up in the air as far as what the federal government is going to allow and also the Haitian government. If necessary, we will adopt a child who was not specifically orphaned by the earthquake, but one who was already in an orphanage in order to make room for the massive influx of new orphans that will be pouring into the missions and orphanages here in the next several months. So rather than changing one life, we have the potential to change two. Haiti is the most destitute country in the western hemisphere and pre-earthquake had an estimated 380,000 orphans. That number is rapidly growing more and more every day.

Since the start of this process, God has opened several doors and allowed us to make some amazing connections to help with this process. I would have not even known where or how to start. In the middle of everything, we discovered that some friends of our are pursuing adopting a Haitian orphan as well. Sarah and Jason will be walking along side of us throughout this amazing Journey. Sarah has already been a wellspring of help, support and encouragement.

For obvious reasons, the doors to Haiti are currently closed completely for adoption, but our agency tell us that by the time we complete our home study and paperwork the doors won’t just be opened, but orphans will most likely be allowed into the states on humanitarian visas in large numbers.

We are praying for favor, open doors, wisdom, the financial means, and an expedited and smooth process. We realize that most adoptions do not fit that description, however we believe that God has placed this in our hearts “for such a time as this” and we refuse to put any limits on the miracles that we are expecting to see! We have no real time estimate. Basically, we will have everything done, approved and will be ready to go when we get the call that the doors are open.

Every moment of our lives is so much bigger than us, and it just keeps getting bigger. I don’t even know how it’s going to get accomplished. I can’t explain what God has done in our hearts the past few weeks to bring us to this point. It’s a passion that runs so deep, it is leaving us at a loss for words… all we can say is that God said DO IT and has been paving the way ever since we decided to take the first step. There are a million details that are going to need to fall into place now. We cannot do this without Him and without the ones we love supporting us. I am unashamedly, selfishly asking, please put us on your prayer list and pray for us daily.

One of my best friends, Missy (who you can meet, HERE) has a heart for Haiti, and just a few short months ago gave up part of her summer and went on a mission trip there. She is one of my most cherished friends who is a constant source of encouragement and inspiration in my life. We are both BIG dreamers, who are also determined to pursue every last one of our dreams, no matter how big the obstacles. As I was writing this post, she sent me a message that I will hold close to my heart in the months to come. Here is part of what she sent:

"This dream about adopting is no longer a dream It has moved into the classification of REALITY! So Keep preparing for that Haitian child and keep thanking God in advance for giving him to you. He's YOURS already

.Point 1.: The process is a mere detail to God.
The outcome is a an amazing addition to an already amazing family. He was born for you to be his mother. REALLY!? That gives me chills and tears in my throat.

.Point 2.: Relish the joy that comes with anticipating.
I have been trying to not get caught up in the process so much but am looking to the finisher of my faith to work all of that out. I encourage you to do the same. Set backs are sometimes giant steps out of the wrong direction and into the right direction. I never tend to look at it like that but I will be trying to because I understand God is sovereign.

I am praying oh so often about your 'process' but even more so for your new family of 4 because you already are that, "Baltzell, party of 4".

(I was shouting that)"

Not everyone is going to feel led to adopt. It is very expensive, and a huge process, and it is quite literally doing something that will forever change your life. However, every single person can do something to help this country that is in such desperate need. Donate. Go there. If you can't go, support someone who can go. Send supplies. Pray. Just do something. Be a part of something bigger than yourself! Life just isn't that exciting if you don't give yourself challenges to overcome.

I can't wait to share this journey with you! I will definitely be posting updates and specific prayer needs throughout this process.

Where we are now: We have an agency, a lawyer, connections in Haiti. Have already started the application process and are going to get our "fingerprints" done on Monday.

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.


Jamie said...

OH, Karis!!! I'm soooo excited for you!!! This just gives me chills and tears. What an amazing thing!! I'll be praying every single day! I haven't stopped thinking about adopting a child from Haiti. I know there's no way we could afford it but I believe in miracles. This is soooo amazing! A child couldn't go to a better family than you and Seth! Let me know if there's anything at all I can do to help! Anything at all!!!!
Sending you a great big hug!!! xoxo

Unknown said...

How wonderful I think this is awesome! You and Seth will be in my prayers I hope this will be the beginning of a beautiful journey!



Missy said...

amen and amen!
I can't even wait.

This post inspires me.
Dream it and do it. It's as simple as that.

We all need to start learning a bit more of Hatian creole!