
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

4 weeks and couting!

This weekend I am finally geting some "maternity pictures" taken. It wasn't the brightest idea to wait until I was 9 months pregnant to do this. My cute little "baby bump" has developed into a basketball. I had every intention of getting them done sooner, but when you are both on staff at a large church and have over 100 jr. high and high school students that you mentor and pour your life into, free weekend schedules are just not very common. Me and Seth are working on finding a better balance now that we are starting a family.

Anyway, so here are some pics I took last night for my dad. I have 4 weeks to go which means as of this Friday I will be in my ninth month! The Dr says that we are measuring perfectly, and should be right on time.

My favorite part of the day is coming home from work/church/outings and putting on my baggy Victoria's Secret sweats and a comfy shirt.