
Saturday, April 25, 2009

He's Here!!!

Malakai Austin Baltzell

Born at 8:27 p.m. on April 17, 2009

7lbs 13 oz

21' long

A few facts:

Beautiful Completion

Red hair

Loves to stretch

Already loves his paci

Everyone goes on and on about how pretty of a newborn he was. Most say they don't think most newborns are pretty, but that he is beautiful. Me and Seth could not agree more!

I was in labor for 14 hours. I tried to see how long I could tough it out without getting an epidural... NOT a good idea. I wanted to feel the contractions and what they felt like... that and I didn't want to look like a wuss... well, I finally asked for it, and of course the anesthesiologist was in a procedure, so I had to wait another hour. By the time he got there my contractions were in the 80's and I was cursing my pride. Now I know, and lesson learned!

The staff on the maternity ward said that they think I set a record for guests and visitors. I was blessed to have such amazing nurses. They all found out that my family had flown in from Texas and let them ALL hang out in my room all day as long as me and baby's heart rate stayed down. (and they did!) They also let them all wait right outside the door during the delivery. I think at the peak of the day, between mom, dad, deb, 3 sisters, mother and father in law, Seth's g-ma, other family members, and friends, I had somewhere around 24 people in my room. Of course they all got kicked out by me once I hit somewhere around 8 centimeters and started feeling the pressure.

Speaking of pressure, I had some issues with the epidural during the last few moments right before it was time to push and things got a little more intense than I had thought they would. I made it through and it was obviously all totally worth it!

Malakai is one week and one day old today and is a wonderfully happy baby. He eats good (which was a concern of mine, beacuse he is breastfed), He sleeps great (well, for a newborn) and is very peaceful.


Anonymous said...

Hey Karis!
Its me Zouiee, you might not remember me I went to Harvest. But anyway your baby boy is precious! Tell Christiana I said Hi :)

Anthony and Sharon said...

Oh my Karis...the look on your face communicates EVERYTHING mommies feel the moment that little precious life is first seen and heard. I thought my heart would burst as the tears of joy came without me even knowing what was happening!

I went 28 hours without an epidural:( Then after 35 total hours in labor I had a csection. I love it for my friends when there's a nice normal "14 hour" labor with no complications... I'm trying for a VBAC next time, recovering from major surgery while wanting to love on my new little one and learning to nurse was NOT my idea of an after birth experience. Do you know we're adopting #2?!!