Do you ever just feel gray?
It's been a gray week in so many ways.
Weather wise is the most literal way. It's been just a preview of winter, with cool temps and overcast skies.
My week has been good, but has been rough at the same time.
Work was absolutely insane this week, but I have a job that I truly love and look forward to going to everyday.
I got some bad news, but I got some good news.
I had some breakthrough's but I had some set backs.
I lost a good friend, but made some really awesome new ones. (yes you, Sam!)
I didn't cook once, but I kept the house very clean.
One of my friends miscarried, one of my friends brought a new life into the world.
I am "out of my mind" homesick, but my dad bought me a plane ticket to Texas for next week.
I got sick again, but this week we are doing an acoustic set which won't require as much out of my vocal chords.
Had some tough counseling sessions with students and heard things that broke my heart, but get to speak into their hearts, love on them, be there for them and impact their lives in a positive way. (such an awesome blessing!)
I didn't know what to say, but God gave me the right words.
I'm down on myself today, but have an amazing husband who lifts me up, no matter what stupid thing I did this time.
It's been rainy and drizzling for days, but the leaves are turning bright shades of pink, red, orange and yellow.
Life is sometimes hard, but God is always good.
Weeks are sometimes long, but God is always good.
Days that should be bright and sunny are sometimes cold and cloudy, but God is always good.
Life throws us the unexpected, but God is always good.
We may lose our way, by God is always good.
Money may be tight, but God is always good.
Our bodies may be sick, but God is always good.
We sometimes make mistakes, but God is always good.
We are sometimes helpless, but God is always good.
We are sometime hopeless, but God is always good.
We may not understand, but God is always good.
It's been a gray week in so many ways.
Weather wise is the most literal way. It's been just a preview of winter, with cool temps and overcast skies.
My week has been good, but has been rough at the same time.
Work was absolutely insane this week, but I have a job that I truly love and look forward to going to everyday.
I got some bad news, but I got some good news.
I had some breakthrough's but I had some set backs.
I lost a good friend, but made some really awesome new ones. (yes you, Sam!)
I didn't cook once, but I kept the house very clean.
One of my friends miscarried, one of my friends brought a new life into the world.
I am "out of my mind" homesick, but my dad bought me a plane ticket to Texas for next week.
I got sick again, but this week we are doing an acoustic set which won't require as much out of my vocal chords.
Had some tough counseling sessions with students and heard things that broke my heart, but get to speak into their hearts, love on them, be there for them and impact their lives in a positive way. (such an awesome blessing!)
I didn't know what to say, but God gave me the right words.
I'm down on myself today, but have an amazing husband who lifts me up, no matter what stupid thing I did this time.
It's been rainy and drizzling for days, but the leaves are turning bright shades of pink, red, orange and yellow.
Life is sometimes hard, but God is always good.
Weeks are sometimes long, but God is always good.
Days that should be bright and sunny are sometimes cold and cloudy, but God is always good.
Life throws us the unexpected, but God is always good.
We may lose our way, by God is always good.
Money may be tight, but God is always good.
Our bodies may be sick, but God is always good.
We sometimes make mistakes, but God is always good.
We are sometimes helpless, but God is always good.
We are sometime hopeless, but God is always good.
We may not understand, but God is always good.
Days may look like this:

...because God is always good.
"When you can't trace His hand, trust His heart."
2 Corinthians 4:17
"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."
Romans 8:28
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
2 Corinthians 4:17
"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."
Romans 8:28
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
great post I need to hear those words b/c its been a gray week for me too!
fabulous post!
no matter what the outcome---we can be assured that God's hand is in the mix. even if it's only to hold onto ours during tragedy. He's there.
thanks for putting such real thoughts out there!
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