
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Malakai Austin: 7 months

My cousin does these for her little boy every few months so I am stealing the idea from her...

Malakai Austin...

1.) You are starting to reach for people you know and who are familiar to you

2.) You sit up very well now and can hold your own balance.

3.) Your precious red hair is starting to curl

4.) You LOVE eating your fruits… you kinda like your veggies… and are not a fan of any type of meat.

5.) Your favorite toy is a “Little People” horse from the classic Fisher Price Red Barn toy. The horse doesn’t make any noise, he is very little, brown and very plain, but you love him for some reason.


6.) You LOVE jumping up and down in “jumpers” and you could do it for an hour straight if I let you…you have one at home, one at Grandma’s and one at the church. Basically the three places we spend our time. =)

7.) You have started to smile and laugh at your cousin Silas whenever you see him. However, when he gets excited and yells really loud it makes you swell up with tears and cry the most pathetic little cry I’ve ever heard. You are like your mom in the fact that you do not like to be startled whatsoever.

8.) You are just a very good and well behaved baby. People who go out to eat with us are not only amazed at how happy and friendly you are, but how good you are when in public. I realize this will probably change, but for now we are soaking it in.

9.) You are a great traveler. Although you don’t like the initial process of getting strapped into your car seat, once you are in it and in the car, we rarely hear a peep from you.

10.) You know how to “give kisses” now and it’s the cutest… and most slobbery thing ever!

11.) You kick your feet really fast when you get excited, and you also are always slamming your hand down on surfaces over and over and over and over again. You definitely got your dad’s gift of drumming and your Poppa’s gift of preaching.

12.) You are very vocal. You talk all the time. I have no clue what you are saying, but whatever it is, you are very passionate about it.

13.) You REALLY want to be mobile. You are trying so hard to crawl. You know you want to get from point A to point B but you just haven’t figured out the technicalities of the process yet! You do have an old walker at your grandma’s house that you LOVE and use to walk all over the place. A lot of people think you will just skip crawling and go to walking… we will see! You are so strong it wouldn’t surprise us!

14.) You are allowed to lay in bed with us as long as it’s after 6AM. Since you’ve known how to smile, your entire face lights up with a smile the nano second you wake up. Now, if you are laying in bed with us in the mornings, in addition to smiling, you play with our faces until we wake up. It’s the sweetest thing to wake up with you laughing while your chubby little hand grabs my nose. It’s like you KNOW you’re waking mommy up.

15.) I am not exaggerating when I say that you laugh or smile most of the day. Which in return makes us laugh and smile most of the day.

Here's a video of you laughing at your grandma Darlene....


Conry Family said...

Karis I'm SO glad you are doing this! I actually stole the idea from a friend of mine:) You will seriously cherish these entries as soon as a few months from now! It's amazing to see all the growth and change in them. I look back even now at some of my entries about brooks and smile at all the memories that flood back to my mind! Yes, you forget that quickly. Keep it up! Promise it's worth it. Love you!

Unknown said...

This like seriously made me tear up:)