
Monday, April 5, 2010

That's right, I said TEXAS!

I apologize for the delay in explaining what in the WORLD is going on with Pretty City Sweets and why there have been NO updates for the past month or so.

In a nutshell:

Me and my husband took a job in Texas, in the exact area that I grew up in, and in the past month have sold our house, packed our house, and last weekend moved from Illinois, cross country to the East Side of Houston to be on staff at an amazing church.

That's right, I said TEXAS!

Until we find house here in the area, we are living in a two bedroom apartment... which is a little cramped, but only temporary. Needless to say, Ive been a bit pre-occupied, so my blog has just had to sit here for a while.

Seth has already started working this past week, but I will not be starting until May 1. We are basically both doing the same sort of thing we did at our last church, it's just on a little bit larger scale because we are in a thriving metropolis as compared to a small mid-west town. Seth is of course the Youth Pastor and I will be doing the media/ graphic design and Church Marketing. The potential here is incredible and we just feel totally blessed and honored to get to be a part of what God is going to do through this church. On top of everything, just within a few short meetings we are so encouraged by the students that are already active at our new church home and are anxious to get to know them better and start pouring into their lives!

Malakai has adjusted wonderfully. From the 13 hour long car ride down here, to the new apartment and new friends, he has been an angel! He turns one in just 2 weeks!

I am only a little over one hour from my mom and sisters and just 3 short hours from my dad and his family, so I have already go to see a lot of them in the past week.

For now, I am just going to say that I am taking a small break from the blog world. Hopefully when I start back to work on May 1, and enter into more of a routine, I will find the time to relax and get lost in this world of creativity and inspiration that I have come to love so dearly.

I covet your prayers as we continue to adjust to life here and form new friendships, along with dealing with missing our precious friends and family from Illinois.

I am still on twitter and facebook and am always updating... while I step away from my pretty City Sweets for a few weeks, I would love to meet you there!


Jamie said...

*that would be "you guys". Sorry! (Saw that too late as it went to blog approval universe)

Jamie said...

Praying for your guys! Hope you're getting all settled. xo

Anonymous said...

up date ur blog i really like reading all thats goin on w/u guys:)

Anonymous said...

I miss your blog - please come back :)