
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pretty Things

I went tumblr-ing today and found so many pretty and inspiring things, I don't even know what to do with myself. Isn't is crazy how just a picture of one things that we find attractive can tug at our hearts so wildly? Well, here are the things that tugged at my heart today. I hope you have a lovely Thursday and that it leads way into a beautiful weekend for you.

1.) Couch Picnic. I will be stealing this idea.

2.) Bows and Pearls on a t-shirt. This is just flat out cute.

3.) I love him/her. Me and Seth have always joked about getting a tattoo of each other's names, but it's never really developed into too serious of an idea. Seth has 3/4 sleeves and my tattoo count is almost up to the double digit range. I LOVE this idea.

4.) If there was even an office that I would want to have, it would be this one. I fell hard for this workspace. It's like cottage-bohemian-vintage glam all rolled into one.

5.) Having a nice day. I like this because #5 and #6 are things that can almost guarantee that my day will start out nicely. It's the simple things. So find some simple things that make you happy, and place them in your everyday life. simple things are just... well, simple. They are much easier to accommodate into everyday life than the complex things that make us happy. And for the record, there are a lot of complex things that make me happy, they just have to be spread out and in moderation, or else I would wear myself (and my budget)out!

Here is my tumblr, where all picture's sources can be found: