
Monday, February 21, 2011

Purge the Pantry:Buy a Dress

So, we start back on Isagenix tomorrow. It was supposed to be today, but we both forgot and walked right out of the house with no smoothie in hand. We've had incredible success with this before, and are picking it right back up! We don't have anymore holidays for a while, so we should be good!

I'm on a quest to make the most delicious smoothie in the world. This particular plan requires one 600 calorie meal (which ever meal you want) and two smoothies a day, which isn't bad at all because they taste pretty awesome, and you can cook a lot of great tasting food for under 600 calories a serving. So... let the smoothie making begin!

I was talking to a friend the other day about wellness and nutrition, and she was telling me that her nutritionalist told her that it's perfectly ok to indulge your cravings, in very small, moderate amounts, EXCEPT when it comes to ice cream and doughnuts. NEVER eat ice cream and doughnuts! Dang it! As if I needed someone to REALLY tell me this... If you have convinced yourself that eating doughnuts a couple of times a week isn't really all that bad, you need to get help! Physical health and wellness help!!! I can stand firm on this soap box because pastries are my weakness... along with ice cream... and chocolate... and coffee beverages with insane amounts of calories in them... and french fries... and chick-fil-a chicken nuggets... and well... Do I need to go on? Really? I LOVE food and we would be here all day, but more than food I love quality of life, self confidence, the thought of being able to grow old with my husband and run longer than the length of the back yard with my son and not lose my breath. So the garbage man might think we are a little crazy when he sees what all is heading to the landfill, but it's got to go! I encourage you to do a nice little pantry purge every now and then, it will surprise you how quickly the bad stuff can pile up. A couple of hungry trips to the grocery store, and before you know it you're justifying a high cal, sugar infused, complex carb overloaded, midnight blogging snack!

So needless to say, this weekend began the purging process of our fridge and pantry. It's usually a couple day process, because yes, I am that attached to my sweets. But after today, no more processed sugars, white flour, empty calories, complex carbs, and creamy sauces or dressings. It's organic where possible, water, green tea, fruit, whole grains, only good fats and oils, and yes, I'm even saying good bye to my beloved valentine's chocolates. Oh the pain!!!!

The sunny days and warmer temperatures last week was a vivid reminder that the days of sun dresses and tank-tops are just around the corner... or if you live in Southeast Texas the warmer temps are here whether you're ready or not! It's wedding season and with a few already on the calendar, here are some of my favorite options...

This precious beauty, is sold out, but I am on a standby email list if they get a new shipment in. She is all sorts of precious...

and one that's not so appropriate for a wedding, but a date night out on the town would do juuuuust fine...

CREDITS: After trying 3 times to link these pictures with their proper places of origin, I am giving up. My computer or internet must be acting all out of sorts. The dresses are either from modcloth or ruche, and the other pictures are from various tumblr/flickr sites. will try again tomorrow to link up!