
Monday, July 18, 2011

Some Happy Talk

To keep it short and sweet: (because if you didn't already know, I like sweets!) After a lot of prayer, My husband and I are packing up the house and moving cross-country (again) and will be planting a church in his hometown of Centralia, Illinois. Crazy God ordained details combined with the stuff dreams are made of, combined with an awesome God who continually blows my mind day after day after day.... you get the picture. I sent a letter explaining our timeline and more details to our close friends and family, if you would like to know more, send me your email address... or facebook me here, and I will be happy to send you the letter.

I'm always working on new blog ideas here and there. (the trick is finding the time to let it play out into an actual blog post!) City talk has been fun to think about (see previous post) and with our upcoming move, it will definitely become more interesting. Centralia, Illinois is an interesting place to dwell. It's a mysterious mid-western region, with everything from charming traditions to mind-blowing routines. This city-girl has found peace and a quality of life from all that the small city life has to offer.

We will be moving soon, and along with that move will come less work hours for me, more creative time, and most importantly, more mommy and wife time. This will hopefully result in more blog time.

Also along with the move will come new challenges, incredible potential, extreme faith, overwhelming peace, resettling into old friendships and the excitement of new friendships.

I'm hoping to have more time for my poor little blog. She has suffered since our move to the big city! I'm still thinking about an entire re-launch or the blog, but we will take that as time allows. For now, I have a house to pack and an exciting future to dream of.

I wanted to go ahead and start up one of the projects I've had going for a while, but just always finding an excuse for not posting. I'm an optimist and am always looking for the joy and happiness in all (or at least most) things. Inspired by many like it on tumblr, I started keeping track of some of those little, and sometimes big, moments in life. Out of this came "Happy Talk" and a new found appetite to discover the overlooked joys in life. Hopefully we will cast a little bit of a God loving, professional day dreaming, edgy pastor's wife and mom twist on it.

If you would like to submit your own daily discoveries of "Happy Talk" topics, please feel free. I would love it!